What is the Statute of Limitations for Bringing a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit?

The statute of limitations refers to the time period someone has to file a claim from the triggering event that gives rise to that claim. Filing a lawsuit during the statute of limitation time period, which can range anywhere from two to fifteen years depending upon the claim and the applicable law, is a very

How To Prove Harassment in the Workplace

Workplace harassment is a type of discrimination that involves unfair treatment which is based on the employee having a protected characteristic. Also, the treatment impairs the employee’s workplace situation or employment arrangement. To prove harassment in the workplace a person must show each of these elements. Specifically, (1) unfair and unwelcome treatment, (2) the presence

How To Prove Harassment At Your Job

The word “harassment” is often used loosely in the workplace to describe behavior from another colleague that is undesirable, creating tension and strained relationships. But in order to prove harassment by the legal standard, there is much more to “harassment” than being treated unfairly. Let’s take a look at how you can prove harassment at

Is It Illegal To Give Different Benefits To Male And Female Employees?

Is It Illegal To Give Different Benefits To Male And Female Employees?

Federal equal pay laws prohibit wage discrimination between men and women. Employees who have the same job duties should get the same amount of pay; however, that is not always the case for many workers. In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about discrimination and benefits for men and women. When most

What Is The Difference Between Workplace Bullying And a Hostile Work Environment?

What Is The Difference Between Workplace Bullying And a Hostile Work Environment?

It can be challenging to work with many different personalities in an office setting; however, there are some offices and workplaces that are more toxic than others. You might even deem your workspace as a “hostile work environment.” Before you seek legal action, read the information provided in this article about workplace bullying and hostile

How Does USERRA Protect Veterans?

Military service brings a sense of honor, integrity and commitment to being an American citizen. Joining the military can be a big sacrifice, leaving family and friends behind. Deployments, for most service members, usually means giving up their civilian job for an extended period of time. Veterans should not have to tolerate employment discrimination when

Can Sexual Harassment be Verbal?

You may be surprised to now that sexual harassment is extremely common in the workplace. The majority of harassment claims that are brought before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) are sex-based. Sexual harassment is most commonly associated with some sort of physical advance that is sexual in nature, but it is important to know