Are there employment laws regarding jury duty?

Many people in New Jersey and Pennsylvania are hesitant to serve on juries because of the potential loss of pay. However, jury service is crucial for the democratic and judicial processes in the U.S. Without juries, the legal system would falter. Employers and employees both must make sacrifices when workers are selected for jury service.

When Are Employees Entitled To FMLA Leave Related To Coronavirus?

Under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, eligible employees who work for employers that are covered by the law can take as much as 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year to care for their serious health conditions or the health conditions of their family members. This leave is unpaid, but the workers’ jobs

Suing for emotional distress at work

Many people experience stress in their jobs. When workers are forced to deal with regular work-related stress as well as a coworker’s outrageous behavior, the stress that they experience may be overwhelming. If you have asked your manager for help with dealing with your coworker’s poor behavior, your manager might not follow through or take