Richard Swartz, best employment benefits attorney

Richard Swartz has been named one of the best employment benefits attorney Richard Swartz, one of the partners at Swartz Swidler, LLC, has been named one of the South Jersey best employment benefits attorneys! For more information, please visit: Richard Swartz is an experienced attorney in the field of litigation. Since his first case

Recovering alcoholic claims illegal treatment and firing

A Florida resident filed suit against a New York City-based firm claiming violation of employment law in a 2012 series of alleged actions that he claims were orchestrated in retaliation for him being a recovering alcoholic. Plaintiff of Pompano Beach, Fla., sued Computer Generated Solutions in the U.S. District Court Middle District of Pennsylvania on July

US Supreme Court allows same sex couples to marry in every state

On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of plaintiffs in Obergefell et al vs. Hodges, Director, Ohio Department of Health, et al, (No. 14-556), allowing same sex couples to marry in every state. The landmark decision, authored by Justice Kennedy, held that the plaintiffs, who were seeking “equal dignity in the eyes

Employer must reasonably accommodate religious practices under Title VII regardless of actual knowledge of belief

On June 1st, The Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abrecrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc; an employment discrimination lawsuit in which Abercrombie refused to hire Samantha Elauf, a practicing Muslim, because the headscarf that she wore pursuant to her religious obligations conflicted with Abercrombie’s employee dress policy. The

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in New Jersey

Sexual harassment is a specific type of workplace discrimination based on sex . It includes: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in which submission to or rejection of such conduct explicitly or implicitly affects and individual’s work or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive

Employment Attorneys meet with EEOC to discuss National Origin Discrimination Concerns

An Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) conference highlighting employment discrimination due to national origin was held in Washington, D.C. on November 13, 2013. Discrimination on the basis of national origin is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This protection can be broadly applied not only to discrimination resulting merely from

Employment Non Discrimination Act (“ENDA”) Passes the United States Senate

The country may be in store for a new federal civil rights act, this one protecting the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees from employment discrimination. Monday, U.S. Senate member voted to begin debate on the Employment nondiscrimination Act, also known as ENDA. A vote on whether or not to pass the law could

Discrimination Lawsuit Charges Red Lobster Franchisee with Sexual Harassment

A Red Lobster Franchisee, GMRI, Inc., has been charged in a lawsuit alleging pervasive sexual harassment and discrimination at its Salisbury, MD location, in violation of federal law. The Philadelphia Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) district office in Pennsylvania is bringing the claim.   The EEOC is a federal agency charged with handling employment discrimination

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reaches settlement with Toys “R” Us in Employment Discrimination Lawsuit

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has reached a settlement with Toys “R” Us in an employment discrimination lawsuit. Toys “R” Us is one of the world’s largest retailers of toys and children’s products in the world, and has multiple retail locations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and all around the United States. The disability discrimination