Is It Illegal To Give Different Benefits To Male And Female Employees?

Is It Illegal To Give Different Benefits To Male And Female Employees?

Federal equal pay laws prohibit wage discrimination between men and women. Employees who have the same job duties should get the same amount of pay; however, that is not always the case for many workers. In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about discrimination and benefits for men and women. When most

What Is The Difference Between Workplace Bullying And a Hostile Work Environment?

What Is The Difference Between Workplace Bullying And a Hostile Work Environment?

It can be challenging to work with many different personalities in an office setting; however, there are some offices and workplaces that are more toxic than others. You might even deem your workspace as a “hostile work environment.” Before you seek legal action, read the information provided in this article about workplace bullying and hostile

What Are The Signs Of Age Discrimination

What Are The Signs Of Age Discrimination?

Age discrimination occurs in the workplace when an employee or potential employee is treated differently due to age, and it adversely impacts their employment or employment opportunities. There may be legal recourse options for those that are facing such discrimination. However, first, it is helpful to know the signs of age discrimination and how to

How Do I File an Unemployment Appeal

How Do I File an Unemployment Appeal?

When you lose your job and file a claim for benefits from your state’s unemployment compensation fund, the unemployment agency will review your claim and discuss it with your former employer. The agency may also interview you in person or over the phone. After the unemployment agency completes the review, it will either grant your

What Is National Origin Discrimination?

Some workers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania are discriminated against by their coworkers because of their national origins. Under federal and state law, national origin discrimination in the workplace is illegal. Despite the legal prohibitions, this type of discrimination continues to be a problem at many companies. If you have been the victim of discrimination