How Do I File an Unemployment Appeal

How Do I File an Unemployment Appeal?

When you lose your job and file a claim for benefits from your state’s unemployment compensation fund, the unemployment agency will review your claim and discuss it with your former employer. The agency may also interview you in person or over the phone. After the unemployment agency completes the review, it will either grant your

What Is Wage Garnishment

What Is Wage Garnishment?

Wage garnishments can make it difficult for you to make ends meet. Your wages can be garnished when your employer is ordered by a court to withhold a percentage of your wages and send that amount directly to a creditor until you have repaid your debt. Garnishments may be ordered when you owe child support,

Pre-Employment Drug Testing: Here’s What You Need To Know

Pre-employment drug testing is fairly common for employers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Some employers also have mandatory testing for their employees on a random basis. If you have been asked to take a drug test by your employer or your prospective employer, here is some information about the laws that apply from the attorneys