What is a non-solicitation clause?

Some employers ask their employees to sign non-solicitation agreements as a part of larger documents or as stand-alone agreements. These agreements are contracts in which employees agree that they won’t solicit their employers’ clients for their own benefit after they leave the companies. They may also include provisions that the workers will not solicit other

How is severance calculated?

Severance packages are becoming increasingly common as more companies choose to downsize or make cuts. Workers who are laid off from their jobs may wonder what they might expect from their severance packages such as how much money they might expect to receive. If you are offered a severance package by your company, the attorneys

Have Your Civil Rights Been Violated?

Civil rights violations may include several different types of conduct if the actor engaged in the behavior on the basis of a protected right. If you think that your civil rights have been violated, you will likely have questions about your options. The civil rights lawyers at Swartz Swidler are available to help you to

What Are The Different Types of Employment Contracts

Some workers have employment contracts with their employers, which are agreements about the terms of their employment. An employment contract can be anything from a simple oral agreement to a long written contract. Employment contracts may be implied, oral or written. The attorneys at Swartz Swidler assist people with understanding their contracts and enforcing their

What Are Unfair Labor Practices?

Employers and unions that engage in conduct that is prohibited by the National Labor Relations Act or other labor laws commit unfair labor practices. These rules may apply to interactions between the union and the employer. They might also apply to individual workers who are treated unfairly by a union or an employer. If you