What Is Workplace Immigrant Discrimination?

Businesses depend on having enough candidates to fill their open positions. Many companies rely on immigrants to fulfill their labor needs. In 2019, 17.4% of the U.S. workforce was made up of foreign-born workers. Despite these facts, some employers discriminate against immigrants. In 2019, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported that 9.6% of all

What Is a Labor Lawyer?

What Is a Labor Lawyer?

Workers in New Jersey and across the U.S. are protected under labor laws. Labor laws cover the employer-employee relationship when employees organize or unionize to collectively negotiate the terms of their employment. Labor laws are types of employment laws, and labor attorneys represent employees, unions, or employers during and after the collective bargaining process. Here

Examples of Discriminatory Company Policies

Most people think about the abusive treatment of employees at work when they consider the meaning of illegal discrimination. While the discriminatory treatment of members of protected classes in the workplace is both personal and noticeable, workplace discrimination can also be institutionalized and be exercised through the company’s policies. Company policies that have a disparate

How Do Whistleblower Protections Protect Employees?

Whistleblower laws provide important protection for employees who report their employers for engaging in illegal activities or violating the safety standards established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA. OSHA is the federal agency that is tasked with administering the whistleblower provisions found in 22 federal statutes. Here is an overview of the

How Employers Violate the Equal Pay Act

Under the federal Equal Pay Act, employers in New Jersey are required to pay men and women who have substantially similar jobs equally. This law covers all types of compensation, including salaries, stock options, insurance benefits, commissions, and bonuses. However, many employers fail to pay male and female employees equally, and women continue to earn

Is Pregnancy Considered a Disability?

Is Pregnancy Considered a Disability?

Millions of women in the U.S. experience discrimination based on pregnancy each year. Pregnancy is not a covered disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, workplace discrimination based on a worker’s pregnancy status is unlawful under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. This law prohibits employers from making employment decisions based on a worker’s pregnancy. Employers

Sexual Harassment Definition

Under federal law, sexual harassment can take several forms in the workplace. The workplace sexual harassment definition might include inappropriate comments, demanding sexual favors in exchange for providing work benefits, displaying obscene photos, and other examples. Determining what is illegal harassment and what is acceptable can be difficult. By looking at how the courts and

What happens when the EEOC determines that an employer is guilty?

When people experience workplace discrimination based on their protected characteristics in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, they can file discrimination charges with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The EEOC is the federal agency that enforces federal anti-discrimination laws. When it receives a discrimination charge, the agency will investigate to determine whether discrimination occurred. If the agency

What is the employment discrimination law?

Federal and state anti-discrimination laws prohibit discrimination based on an applicant’s or employees protected characteristics. Employment discrimination can happen in many ways, and the conduct can be overt or subtle. Prohibited discrimination in the workplace happens when an employer treats a member of a protected class differently than other workers based on the employee’s protected