How Long Must I Be Employed Before Being Eligible For Unemployment

How Long Must I Be Employed Before Being Eligible For Unemployment?

If you have lost your job in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, you might be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. To receive benefits, you will need to meet the state’s requirements. All states require applicants for unemployment to have recently worked before they became unemployed. The connection to the workplace is measured by earning minimum amounts

Can Fired Employees Collect Unemployment?

If you lose your job in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, you might be eligible for unemployment benefits. These benefits are available to people who are temporarily unemployed because of no fault of their own. If you lost your job because of financial reasons, you will qualify as long as you meet the other requirements. However,

Who Is An Exempt Employee?

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), or the Wages and Hours bill, includes employment protection provisions such as overtime pay for employees. However, overtime pay and required minimum wages are provided only to employees that work more than 40 hours in a workweek and that are not an “exempt employee” for purposes of

What Is The Difference Between Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed in reaction to the civil rights movements during the 1960s. This law addressed the problem of discrimination in education, public accommodations, housing, and employment. Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 apply to different institutions and offer different protections to people. The attorneys

Who Is Exempt From Title VII?

People who are members of one of the protected classes are protected against workplace discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII prohibits employers from discriminating against workers based on their protected statuses in all aspects of the employment relationship. Some of the areas of employment in which violations can

How Common Is Discrimination In The Workplace?

Workplace discrimination based on the protected statuses of workers has been illegal in the U.S. for decades. Employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees and applicants based on their protected statuses or their relationships with members of protected groups. States also have anti-discrimination laws, and some of these laws provide broader protection to workers. If

How Prevalent Is Hiring Discrimination Against LGBTQ Workers?

Many LGBTQ people live in states that do not have laws protecting them from discrimination. In 29 states, it is not illegal under state law for an employer to fire a worker based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. While many people assume that they are protected against discrimination based on LGBTQ

How To Prove Racial Discrimination In The Workplace

While there are federal and state laws that prohibit racial discrimination in the workplace, it continues to be a problem in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. People continue to be denied jobs, promotions, and other workplace benefits based on their races. Racial discrimination has been prohibited under federal law since the passage of Title VII of

List of U.S. Federal Employment and Labor Laws

More than 180 federal laws that govern workplace activities are enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor. These laws cover approximately 10 million companies and 125 million employees. Among the many laws, certain of the federal employment laws are important for workers. These laws regulate wages, discrimination, hiring, salary, hours, benefits, employee and applicant testing,