What Is the Civil Rights Act of 1991

While many people have heard of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, fewer might know about the Civil Rights Act of 1991. This law was enacted because of several unpopular U.S. Supreme Court decisions and overturned them. It also amended several portions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The amendments also

Subpoenas: What To Expect in Sexual Harassment Cases

Sexual harassment in the workplace has continued to be a problem despite federal and state laws that make it illegal. In some cases, sexual harassment cases are litigated in court when employers fail to take action to stop the harassment. Employees are protected against sexual harassment by local, state, and federal laws as well as

What Are Examples of FMLA Leave?

Eligible employees who work for companies that are covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can take up to 12 weeks off from their jobs because of their own or their close family members’ serious medical conditions. However, they can only take leave under the FMLA for specific listed reasons. Understanding when FMLA

What Constitutes Workplace Bullying, Harassment or Discrimination In 2022

Employers must ensure that they prevent illegal harassment and discrimination based on the protected characteristics of their applicants and employees in the workplace in all aspects of employment. The prohibitions against discrimination and harassment in the workplace are outlined under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other relevant federal and state

What To Do About Wrongful Termination In New Jersey & Pennsylvania

Employers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania can fire at-will employees for nearly any reason and at any time. Similarly, at-will employees can resign from their jobs for any reason and at any time. While most terminations are legal, there are some situations in which a person’s firing will amount to wrongful termination. Employers cannot fire

How To Tell If You Are The Victim Of Gender Discrimination

Employers are prohibited from engaging in discriminatory acts in the workplace against applicants and employees because of their protected characteristics. There are numerous protected characteristics, including gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, color, religion, disability, age, genetic information, national origin, citizenship status, pregnancy, and more. While workplace discrimination is illegal, it is still fairly common.

What Is the New Jersey CEPA Whistleblower Act?

Most businesses in New Jersey have a significant degree of autonomy and conduct their daily business operations without much governmental oversight. In New Jersey, both the state and federal governments rely on whistleblowers to uncover employers’ violations of the law and fraud against the government to protect workplace safety, the public’s safety, and to prevent

Understanding National Origin Discrimination

National origin discrimination in the workplace is illegal under state and federal law. It happens when an employer treats applicants or employees negatively based on the fact that they come from a particular area of the world, because of their accents or ethnicity, or because they look like they have a specific ethnic background even

What You Need to Know About Severance Pay in New Jersey

Some New Jersey employees are offered severance packages when they are terminated or laid off from their jobs. Severance pay is meant to lessen the impact of a job loss. Most employers that offer severance pay will only provide it to employees who lose their jobs as a part of a reduction in force, mass

Fathers' Rights and the FMLA

Fathers’ Rights and the FMLA

While many employers talk about maternity leave and recognize the rights of new mothers to take time off to spend with their babies, fathers also have the right to take time off from work to care for newly born infants, newly adopted children, new foster children, and injured children. Despite having this right, less than