Simple Tips to Combat Subtle Age Discrimination

Tips to prevent age discrimination at work Many adults face age discrimination when they are searching for jobs. Age discrimination also frequently occurs within the workplace when others unfairly view older employees as being less able to handle their jobs. Unconscious bias against older workers is a serious problem in workplaces in New Jersey and

What Are the Key Causes of Employment Termination?

Different types of employment termination People in New Jersey might lose their jobs for many different reasons. Since most employees work at will, employers might fire them for any reason as long as it is not discriminatory. Some employees are terminated because of predictable reasons while others might be fired for no reason at all.

Do You Feel That You Are Being Passed Over For A Promotion?

When employers decide whether or not to promote an employee, they take multiple factors into consideration, including the candidate’s skills, experience, education, attitude, and others. There are certain factors that employers should never consider when deciding whether to give someone a promotion, including a candidate’s color, race, gender, age, religion, national origin, religion, or disability.

Promotion Discrimination in the Workplace

Promotion discrimination is illegal when someone is passed over for a promotion based on an unlawful discriminatory reason. If you have been the victim of illegal promotion discrimination, you may be entitled to recover damages by filing a discrimination charge. The attorneys at Swartz Swidler can review what happened and help you to understand the

Can I Get Unemployment If I Am an Independent Contractor?

Can I Get Unemployment If I Am an Independent Contractor?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of workers have been laid off from their jobs. Many people who have lost work during the pandemic are independent contractors. While unemployment benefits are generally only available to employees, there are two possible ways you might qualify for unemployment benefits as an independent contractor. One way you might qualify

Hazard Pay: What Is It and Who Can Get It?

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, some companies have provided incentives to their employees so that they will continue to work. These extra payments are made on top of their employees’ regular hourly rates and are meant to encourage workers to report to their jobs even when there is a heightened risk of illness,

Uber Drivers: Your Legal Options During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Uber Drivers: Your Legal Options During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Many people in New Jersey and Pennsylvania have lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic and may have trouble affording basic necessities. People who are self-employed have been especially hard-hit and do not qualify for employment benefits, including rideshare drivers, artists, freelancers, and others. Thankfully, the government has prioritized protecting workers and has expanded

What Happens if a Whistleblower Is Wrong?

What Happens if a Whistleblower Is Wrong?

Occasionally, a whistleblower will disclose information about allegedly illegal or unethical conduct by their employers against the public or the government. After an investigation by the appropriate government agency, a violation is not found. When whistleblowers report their employers for conduct that they thought was illegal, but no violations are found, they might worry about