Can I Quit My Job While on Medical Leave?

Some employees who take medical leave from work question whether they should return. Some employees might want to quit their jobs while they are out on leave. There are several things you should consider when you are thinking about quitting your job, including practical matters and legal issues. The first concern will likely be your

What Is the First Step for Someone Experiencing Harassment?

Unfortunately, some employees in New Jersey suffer harassment based on their protected characteristics at work. Harassment is a form of illegal discrimination and should not be tolerated by employers. If you are being harassed at work based on your protected characteristics, it is important to understand your rights. Here is what you should know about

What Are Examples of Victimization?

Some employees who work in New Jersey are victimized at work. Unfortunately, some people don’t recognize that there is a problem until victimization has already occurred. Supervisors should know the signs of workplace victimization to protect their employees. Here is what you need to understand about this problem from the attorneys at Swartz Swidler. Understanding

I’m Being Harassed By a Client/Customer – Do I Have A Case?

In the modern workplace, employees frequently have to deal with customers and clients as a part of their jobs. Unfortunately, some customers or clients cross lines when they interact with people who are simply trying to do their jobs. In some cases, treatment by clients or customers can amount to harassment. Employees are protected against

Do Temp Workers Have the Same Rights as Regular Employees?

Temporary employees working for New Jersey employers might be uncertain about what their rights are as employees. For example, when a temporary employee suffers discrimination in the workplace based on their protected characteristics or is harassed, they might not know to whom they should report the incident or whether they have the same rights as

New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA) vs FMLA

New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA) vs FMLA

Employees in New Jersey might be eligible to take leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA), or both. These laws require covered employees to provide employees with job-protected leave for qualifying reasons. However, there are some distinct differences between the FMLA and the NJFLA that

Can FMLA Be Used For Mental Health

Can FMLA Be Used For Mental Health?

Anxiety, depression, and extreme stress can affect all aspects of your life, including your job. To be productive, you must prioritize your mental health to remain ready and able to work. In some cases, anxiety, depression, or other types of mental health conditions will require people to take time off from work. The federal Family