What Are Common Wage Violations In New Jersey?

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, most workers in the U.S. are entitled to receive the federal minimum wage, which is currently set at $7.25 per hour. They are also entitled to receive overtime pay of time and one-half for each hour that is worked during a workweek beyond 40 hours. The law defines work

Do You have an Overtime Case

Do You Have an Overtime Case?

Since the 1930s, most U.S. employers have been required to pay their eligible employees that work more than 40 hours in a week overtime pay. This law was originally passed so that work would be spread among more people so that the unemployment rolls could be reduced. Today, overtime pay is no longer viewed as

Swartz Swidler Prevails in Appellate Court Matter Dealing With Applicability of Dispute Resolution Provision of Employment Contract

Swartz Swidler recently prevailed in an appellate court matter dealing with the applicability of a dispute resolution provision of an employment contract. Swartz Swidler represents Dr. Forrest Anthony, the former vice president and chief medical officer for Eleison Pharmaceuticals, LLC. in Bordentown, New Jersey. In February 2012 the parties entered into an employment agreement. In

UPDATE IN WERNER!! – Court Holds Werner Violated the Law.

Court sides with drivers, holds that Werner violated the law. As many of you know, we have been, and continue to, fight very hard for all drivers of Werner. Since 2011, we have been litigating ​Petrone v. Werner Enterprises. For years, we have worked to convince the courts (and Werner) that Werner fails to pay