Getting Paid for Unused Sick or Vacation Leave If You’re Fired

Being terminated from your job can be overwhelming. When you are fired and your employer refuses to pay you for your unused vacation and sick time, you might wonder whether you have the right to recover compensation for these benefits. While employers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania are not required to pay your unpaid vacation

What Happens if a Whistleblower Is Wrong?

What Happens if a Whistleblower Is Wrong?

Occasionally, a whistleblower will disclose information about allegedly illegal or unethical conduct by their employers against the public or the government. After an investigation by the appropriate government agency, a violation is not found. When whistleblowers report their employers for conduct that they thought was illegal, but no violations are found, they might worry about

Age Discrimination and Covid-19: What You Need to Know

Age Discrimination and Covid-19: What You Need to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage in the U.S. Despite this, the country continues to reopen even though there is a quickly increasing number of infections and deaths. Many people in the U.S. also continue to resist the calls to wear masks and to practice social distancing. Because of the current environment, some employers are

Taking FMLA Leave To Treat Depression: What You Need To Know

Rates of depression have increased since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Even before COVID-19, however, mental health issues were an increasing concern in the workplace. Employees may struggle when they need to treat depression. Some people might hesitate before they seek the help that they need. They might also be worried about logistical scheduling

Will My Severance Prevent Me From Collecting Unemployment?

Will My Severance Prevent Me From Collecting Unemployment?

Some workers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania receive severance packages when they are laid off from their jobs. If you received a severance package from your former employer, you might wonder whether you will be able to collect unemployment benefits. The attorneys at Swartz Swidler can review your situation and discuss your rights with you.

How Long Must I Be Employed Before Being Eligible For Unemployment

How Long Must I Be Employed Before Being Eligible For Unemployment?

If you have lost your job in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, you might be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. To receive benefits, you will need to meet the state’s requirements. All states require applicants for unemployment to have recently worked before they became unemployed. The connection to the workplace is measured by earning minimum amounts

Who Is Eligible for Unemployment?

While the unemployment insurance program provides an important financial safety net for people who lose their jobs in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. However, not everyone who does not have a job will be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. These benefits are designed to replace a portion of a worker’s wages temporarily while they are out

Can Fired Employees Collect Unemployment?

If you lose your job in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, you might be eligible for unemployment benefits. These benefits are available to people who are temporarily unemployed because of no fault of their own. If you lost your job because of financial reasons, you will qualify as long as you meet the other requirements. However,

Who Is An Exempt Employee?

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), or the Wages and Hours bill, includes employment protection provisions such as overtime pay for employees. However, overtime pay and required minimum wages are provided only to employees that work more than 40 hours in a workweek and that are not an “exempt employee” for purposes of

Are Pregnant Women Eligible For Unemployment?

Are Pregnant Women Eligible for Unemployment Compensation?

If you lose your job in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits if your job loss was not your fault. Unemployment benefits can provide a financial safety net when you are not terminated for cause and are looking for a new job. For example, if you lose your job because