Sexual Harassment vs. Sexual Assault: What Does It Mean in the Workplace?

Sexual Harassment vs. Sexual Assault: What Does It Mean in the Workplace?

In today’s workplace, understanding the difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault is crucial for both employees and employers. While both are serious offenses, they have distinct definitions, legal implications, and consequences. Being aware of these distinctions can help individuals recognize their rights and take appropriate action when faced with such issues. Swartz Swidler is

Quid Pro Quo Explained: How to Identify This Form of Workplace Harassment

Quid Pro Quo Explained: How to Identify This Form of Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment can take various forms, but one of the most damaging is quid pro quo harassment. In Latin, “quid pro quo” means “this for that,” signifying an exchange where one party demands something in return for a favor or benefit. In the context of employment, it often involves someone in a position of power,

What Constitutes a Hostile Work Environment in New Jersey?

What Constitutes a Hostile Work Environment in New Jersey?

While the environment at your workplace might be toxic, that does not necessarily mean that it is a hostile work environment entitling you to pursue compensation from your employer. Instead, a hostile work environment is a specific legal term that describes when discriminatory actions taken against certain employees based on their protected characteristics are severe

Is It Illegal To Give Different Benefits To Male And Female Employees?

Is It Illegal To Give Different Benefits To Male And Female Employees?

Federal equal pay laws prohibit wage discrimination between men and women. Employees who have the same job duties should get the same amount of pay; however, that is not always the case for many workers. In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about discrimination and benefits for men and women. When most

How Long Does A Discrimination Case Take

How Long Does A Discrimination Case Take?

If you have a claim for employment discrimination, you might wonder how long your case will take. Employment discrimination cases can be complex, and how long your claim might take will depend on multiple factors. The length of your case will depend on the experience and skill of your attorney, the particular details of your

US Supreme Court allows same sex couples to marry in every state

On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of plaintiffs in Obergefell et al vs. Hodges, Director, Ohio Department of Health, et al, (No. 14-556), allowing same sex couples to marry in every state. The landmark decision, authored by Justice Kennedy, held that the plaintiffs, who were seeking “equal dignity in the eyes

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in New Jersey

Sexual harassment is a specific type of workplace discrimination based on sex . It includes: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in which submission to or rejection of such conduct explicitly or implicitly affects and individual’s work or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive

New Jersey Legislature Passes Two New Laws Designed at Reducing Employment Discrimination

New Jersey employees had reason to rejoice this summer, as the New Jersey legislature passed two pieces of legislation on August 27th that strengthens employee privacy and prohibit certain types of discrimination based on private matters.