What Is an Hourly Employee?

In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, most employees are paid on either an hourly or salary basis. Employees are generally classified based on the way that they are paid and the types of work that they perform. Understanding the difference between an hourly and salaried worker is important. Both types of payment systems have drawbacks and

What Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination Against Pregnant Employees?

What Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination Against Pregnant Employees?

Learning that you are pregnant can be very exciting. Most women are happy to learn that they are expecting and want to tell their family, friends, and coworkers their good news. However, before you tell everyone at your workplace about your pregnancy, you should make sure that you understand the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the

Is Pregnancy Considered a Disability in NJ?

Is Pregnancy Considered a Disability in NJ?

Pregnant women in New Jersey may develop conditions that make performing their jobs more difficult. However, pregnancy is not considered to be a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA is a federal law that prohibits disability discrimination in the workplace. However, workplace discrimination based on pregnancy is also illegal. Employers are prohibited

Age Discrimination and Covid-19: What You Need to Know

Age Discrimination and Covid-19: What You Need to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage in the U.S. Despite this, the country continues to reopen even though there is a quickly increasing number of infections and deaths. Many people in the U.S. also continue to resist the calls to wear masks and to practice social distancing. Because of the current environment, some employers are

Taking FMLA Leave To Treat Depression: What You Need To Know

Rates of depression have increased since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Even before COVID-19, however, mental health issues were an increasing concern in the workplace. Employees may struggle when they need to treat depression. Some people might hesitate before they seek the help that they need. They might also be worried about logistical scheduling

Is Pregnancy Considered a Disability?

Is Pregnancy Considered a Disability?

Millions of women in the U.S. experience discrimination based on pregnancy each year. Pregnancy is not a covered disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, workplace discrimination based on a worker’s pregnancy status is unlawful under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. This law prohibits employers from making employment decisions based on a worker’s pregnancy. Employers

Lawsuits Based on the Hiring Process

Job applicants in Pennsylvania and New Jersey enjoy certain rights before they are hired. Employers are prohibited from engaging in unlawful discrimination based on an applicant’s protected characteristics during the hiring process. Local and state laws may provide additional protection to job applicants. Employers are required to abide by state and federal anti-discrimination laws throughout

Are Pregnant Women Eligible For Unemployment?

Are Pregnant Women Eligible for Unemployment Compensation?

If you lose your job in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits if your job loss was not your fault. Unemployment benefits can provide a financial safety net when you are not terminated for cause and are looking for a new job. For example, if you lose your job because