Must-Know Facts Before Hiring a Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Experiencing sexual harassment at your workplace in New Jersey can be an emotionally and mentally distressing ordeal. The fear of potential repercussions can cast a shadow over your professional life, making it daunting to address such issues. Moreover, distinguishing between what constitutes illegal sexual harassment and what doesn’t can be a complex task. If you

What is a Healthcare Fraud Whistleblower?

While most healthcare employers follow the law, some do not and instead engage in fraudulent campaigns against the state or federal government to wrongfully obtain funds they are not entitled to receive. Employees who come forward to report their employers for engaging in healthcare fraud help to save taxpayer money by assisting with the government’s

The ABCs of Discrimination in the Workplace

Multiple federal and state laws protect workers in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and all other states against discrimination in the workplace. These laws prohibit employers from discriminating against employees or applicants based on their membership in protected groups. Despite these laws, some employers engage in illegally discriminatory acts or fail to stop the discrimination that others

Can My Job Fire Me if I Go to Rehab?

Realizing that you need to go to inpatient drug or alcohol rehabilitation is a major step on your road to recovery. However, the decision to go to rehab can be difficult when you are worried about your job and whether your decision could result in being fired. Thankfully, you might be protected under two federal

Steps of a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

Most people are employed at will in New Jersey and almost all other states. At-will employment means that an employer can decide to terminate an employee whenever the employer wants and for nearly any reason. However, employers can’t legally fire employees for unlawful reasons. When an employer’s reason for firing an employee violates a statute,

Will a Lawyer Take Your Employment Discrimination Case?

If you think that your employer has treated you differently than other employees because of your protected characteristics, you might have grounds to file a discrimination claim. If you have evidence to support your suspicions, an employment discrimination attorney at Swartz Swidler will likely want to speak with you to evaluate your potential case. Here

What Is The Meaning Of Undue Hardship?

Applicants and employees who are disabled are protected against employment discrimination based on their disabling conditions under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Disabled workers can ask for reasonable accommodations that can help them perform the tasks of their jobs. Determining whether or not a requested accommodation is reasonable can be a sticking point for