How 2025 Layoff Trends Affect Severance Rights in NJ

Introduction: Facing a Layoff in 2025? Know Your Severance Rights in NJ Imagine waking up to an unexpected email from your employer: “We regret to inform you…” Just like that, your job is gone. No warning, no time to prepare. The shock sets in, followed by a flood of questions: “Am I entitled to severance

Is Weight Discrimination Illegal in New Jersey Workplaces?

Introduction: Can You Be Fired Because of Your Weight in New Jersey? Imagine this: You’re a top performer at your job, consistently exceeding expectations. But when promotion time comes around, you’re overlooked—again. The feedback? “We’re looking for someone with the right image.”   Or maybe you’ve endured meetings where colleagues make casual jokes about weight,

How to Handle Racial Discrimination from Coworkers, Not Just Bosses

Introduction: Racial Discrimination Isn’t Always Top-Down Imagine this: Every morning, you walk into the office and brace yourself for the same routine—offhand comments about your accent, jokes about your hair, or being repeatedly left out of important meetings. It’s not your manager saying these things—it’s your coworkers.   Racial discrimination at work doesn’t just come