Does FMLA Affect Your Pension?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that allows certain employees of covered employers to take 12 weeks off from work when they have specific qualifying reasons, including their serious health conditions, the serious health conditions of an immediate family member, or to bond with a new child. This leave is

Moonlighting While on FMLA: Will It Get Me Fired?

If you are eligible to take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), your job should be protected if you need to take time off from work from your job with a covered employer as long as you or your family member has a serious health condition. The FMLA entitles eligible employees to

Can You Get Unemployment and Disability at the Same Time?

If you can’t work, you might wonder whether it is possible for you to get unemployment benefits and disability simultaneously. This is rarely possible. However, there are certain situations in which receiving both unemployment and disability benefits might be possible and allowed. Here is what you need to know from the attorneys at Swartz Swidler.

Do I Qualify for FMLA in NJ?

New Jersey employees who suffer from serious medical conditions or injuries might be forced to miss work so that they can address their conditions and recover. In some cases, employees might also have to take off from work to take care of their immediate family members when they are experiencing serious medical problems. When employees