Sexual Harassment FAQ

When Does Sexual Harassment at Work Become a Crime?
- Assault
- Menacing
- Stalking
- Unlawful imprisonment
What Is Third-Party Sexual Harassment?
To form the basis of a sexual harassment claim, third-party sexual harassment must be pervasive and severe enough to create a hostile work environment. Single instances will not be likely to be enough to constitute unlawful behavior. For example, if a vendor asks a receptionist for a date, that would not qualify as sexual harassment. However, if the vendor repeatedly asks the receptionist out and makes suggestive comments every time that he or she enters the workplace, that might qualify as illegal third-party sexual harassment.
What Are the Two Types of Sexual Harassment?
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
Quid pro quo sexual harassment happens in situations in which an employee’s ability to be hired or promoted within his or her job is based on whether or not the employee accepts or rejects sexual advances or other inappropriate sexual conduct.
Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
Harassment can also happen when the victim’s job is not conditioned on his or her acceptance or rejection of it. Hostile environment sexual harassment happens when a victim’s co-worker or supervisor makes comments or sexual advances that make the work environment offensive and hostile in nature. This type of conduct normally has a negative impact on the employee’s ability to do his or her job. Examples of this type of sexual harassment might include the following:
- Asking questions about the victim’s sex life
- Telling vulgar jokes
- Sexual or degrading physical conduct
- Displays of sexually explicit material
What’s The Burden of Proof For Workplace Sexual Harassment?
Workplace harassment may take one of two forms, including quid pro quo or hostile work environment harassment. Harassment that is quid pro quo means that a person in a position of authority such as a supervisor or hiring manager requests sexual favors in exchange for a work benefit. It can also include situations in which a supervisor demands sexual acts in exchange for the worker not suffering a negative job action. This type of harassment is prohibited even if the employee participates in the sexual activity if the initial conduct was not welcome.
Sexual harassment at work
Harassment that creates a work environment that is hostile happens when there is misconduct that is pervasive enough that it impacts your ability to do your job. This type of harassment can include repeated offensive jokes, inappropriate touching, pornographic displays, unwelcome sexual advances or other conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcome. It is generally not enough for a single episode to have occurred.
What Is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment?
Quid pro quo sexual harassment claims
Sexual harassment is a type of illegal gender discrimination and is prohibited under both state and federal law. Sexual harassment claims may be divided into two primary categories, including hostile work environment claims and quid pro quo claims.
Quid pro quo claims involve people who are in positions of authority who subject workers to unwelcome sexual conduct and who condition the employees’ acceptance of the conduct on an employment action. For example, if a supervisor promises a promotion in exchange for a promotion, the conduct is quid pro quo harassment. Quid pro quo harassment can also happen when a supervisor threatens to terminate an employee unless the employee submits to sexual conduct.
What To Expect After Filing a Sexual Harassment Claim
Responsibilities of employers
The first step to end sexual harassment in the workplace is to file a complaint. Once this happens, your employer will have the responsibility to investigate what happened and to take corrective action to prevent it from occurring again. If your employer does not meet its responsibilities, filing a complaint with the EEOC might be necessary. While the policies of employers might vary, there are some general things you should expect to happen after you file an internal report that you have been the victim of sexual harassment.
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How To Prove Harassment At Your Job
Step 1: Talk to the offender
Step 2: File a complaint with your company
Step 3: Get legal help
What Is The Statute Of Limitations For Sexual Harassment Claims?
Timeline for Filing a Lawsuit in Pennsylvania State Court
Pennsylvania’s law extends the time period under which you may file a complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission to 300 days after the last date that you were sexually harassed at your job. If your employer violated the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, your attorney may opt to file your claim for harassment under Pennsylvania’s state law if you missed the deadlines under the EEOC.
Timeline for Filing a Lawsuit in New Jersey State Court
In New Jersey, you must file a sex discrimination or retaliation claim within two years of the date of the last incident. If your sexual harassment created a hostile work environment because of its ongoing and continuous nature, you must file your complaint within two years of the date of the last incident. However, you will be able to sue for the entire period of harassment if the court finds a continuing violation because of a series of documented violations.
What Are The Penalties for Sexual Harassment?
Employee penalties for sexual harassment
Under federal and state law, employers must take action to stop or prevent sexual harassment. If an employee is found during an investigation to have committed sexual harassment, the employer may institute discipline against the employee. In most cases, the punishment will be proportionate to the seriousness of the conduct. Potential job penalties against a sexual harasser might include the following:
- Reprimands or warnings
- Mandatory training and counseling
- Transfers or demotions
- Reductions in salary
- Suspensions or terminations
What to do
If you have been the victim of a sexual harasser at your job, you should promptly complain to your company according to its sexual harassment complaint procedure. If the company fails to act, contact Swartz Swidler for further help with your case.
How Many Sexual Harassment Cases Are Filed Each Year?
Number of new sexual harassment claims filed
Sexual harassment claims filed in 2019 fell slightly to 7,514, which was down from 7,609 cases that were filed in 2018. However, this was still the second-highest number of claims filed during the past seven years. Overall, sexual harassment charges represented 10.3% of all of the charges that were received by the EEOC.
The percentage of sexual harassment charges filed by men increased from 2018 to 2019. During the fiscal year 2019, men filed 16.8% of the sexual harassment complaints as compared to 15.9% filed in 2018. This might demonstrate an increased awareness that men can also be the victims of sexual harassment.
Retaliation continues to be a problem
The most common type of claim filed against employers with the EEOC involved retaliation in 2019. While it is illegal for employers to retaliate against employees for exercising their rights to file discrimination and harassment complaints, some employers still engage in retaliatory actions. In 2019, 39,110 retaliation claims were filed, representing 53.8% of the total cases that were filed with the EEOC. This statistic demonstrates the importance of having good training programs and strong human resources policies to prevent retaliation against employees.
Can Men Be Sexually Harassed?
Can men be victims?
While most victims of workplace sexual harassment are women, an increasing number of men have been reporting that they have also been victims. In 2015, the EEOC reports that it received a total of 6,682 charges of sexual harassment, and 17 percent of them were filed by men.
What to do if you have been the victim of sexual harassment
Regardless of your gender, you have the right to work in an environment that is devoid of sexual harassment. If you have been the victim of workplace sexual harassment, you should start by confronting your harasser and telling them to stop.
What Should Employees Do If They Feel Sexually Harassed?
1. Document comments and differential treatment.
Whether you are suffering from ongoing sexual harassment or quid pro quo harassment, you should document everything. Sexual harassment can take two forms, including hostile work environment harassment and quid pro quo harassment.
2. Document quid pro quo harassment.
Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a person in a position of authority at your job conditions a job benefit or an adverse job action on your agreeing to engage in sexual activity.
3. Keep your documentation somewhere safe.
As you create documentation of the sexually harassing incidents that happen at your job, you should be careful with where you store them. They should not be kept in your desk at work, on your work computer, or anywhere else where your employer might discover and take them.
What Counts as Sexual Harassment?
How is sexual harassment defined?
Sexual harassment includes many different types of behaviors, including unwelcome advances, unwanted touching, obscene jokes or comments, offers of benefits in exchange for sexual acts, or threats of adverse consequences for refusing advances. It can include both physical and verbal conduct. The conduct must be severe or pervasive to qualify as sexual harassment. Single incidents that are serious, including sexual assault, can meet the qualification as sexual harassment. Pervasive conduct can be more subtle. However, if it is frequent and pervasive enough to create a hostile work environment, it might be illegal sexual harassment.
What is the Difference Between Harassment and Discrimination?
What is the difference between harassment and discrimination?
Discrimination occurs when an employer treats members of certain classes unfairly because of their memberships in those groups or their protected characteristics. Harassment involves acts that are targeted towards one person. For instance, if a woman does not get a raise because she is a woman it is discrimination. If the woman is called derogatory names because she is a woman, it is instead harassment.
In harassment cases, the harasser may be held personally liable and may be sued whether or not the employer knew or should have known that the harassment was happening. In discrimination cases, by contracts, only the employer may be held liable because of the harm that occurs stems from the employer.
Can Sexual Harassment Occur between Members of the Same Sex?
When sexual harassment can occur without a sexual motive
According to the U.S. Supreme Court, same-sex harassment that is not sexually motivated can exist when either of the following occurs:
- A woman is harassed by another woman in the workplace in a sex-specific and derogatory manner to the extent that it is clear that the harasser has a general hostility to other females in the workplace; or
- The victim has direct evidence to compare how the harasser treats both sexes and is able to show that the harasser treats members of his or her own sex in a discriminatory way.
In addition to proving that you have been the victim of same-sex harassment, you will also have to show that the harasser’s conduct was not just slightly tinged with offensive implications about your gender and that the conduct would not have happened if you were a member of the opposite sex.
What Are the Most Common Types of Harassment in the Workplace?
- Discriminatory harassment
- Harassment based on race
- Harassment based on gender
- Harassment based on religion
- Harassment based on disability
- Harassment based on sexual orientation
- Age-related harassment
- Personal harassment
- Physical harassment
- Power harassment
- Psychological harassment
- Online harassment
- Retaliation harassment
- Sexual harassment
- Quid pro quo sexual harassment
- Harassment by third parties
- Verbal harassment
If you are being harassed at work, confront the harasser. In some cases, this may be enough to stop the behavior. If that does not work, file a complaint using your company’s internal complaints process. Click here to learn more.
What Is The Difference Between Sexual Harassment And Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is considered to be a criminal offense that is committed against another person regardless of their employment. However, sexual assault may also happen in the workplace. It is possible that some victims may be subjected to conduct that constitutes both prohibited sexual harassment and criminal sexual assault at their jobs.
What Are Some Of the Consequences For Sexual Harassment In The Workplace?
Potential consequences for people who sexually harass co-workers
Sexual harassment at work is prohibited as a type of gender discrimination under both the anti-discrimination laws of New Jersey and of the federal government. If sexual harassment is reported, the harasser can suffer a number of consequences such as being reprimanded, demoted, or fired. If the harasser’s actions were serious enough to constitute sexual assault, the harasser may also be criminally prosecuted.
Potential consequences for employers
Employers that receive reports of sexual harassment and that fail to take appropriate action or that ignore the complaints may also face consequences. Workplace sexual harassment victims may file sexual harassment and discrimination charges with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights.
If the sexual harassment charge is found to be valid, an issue might be ordered that requires the employer to make a policy change and to pay damages. A civil lawsuit might also be filed through which the employer may be forced to pay substantial monetary damages. Finally, media coverage of the sexual harassment claim could lead to reputational harm for the company.
Consequences that the victims might face
When victims of sexual harassment report what happened to them, they may face consequences despite the fact that retaliation is illegal. These consequences might include the following:
- Termination
- Demotion
- Reduction in pay
- Loss of benefits
- Denial of a promotion
- Constructive discharge
Most Frequently Asked Question: Do I Have A Case?
While it is true that every case is different, The law is pretty clear in most cases. The best way to determine if you have a case is to contact one of our attorneys. For more information check out the FAQ below or visit our FAQ Page
Most Frequently Asked Question:
Do I Have A Case?
While it is true that every case is different, The law is pretty clear in most cases. The best way to determine if you have a case is contact one of our attorneys. For more information on a just a few scenarios checkout the flip box FAQ below or visit our FAQ Page.
A 2017 ABC News – Washington Post Poll Found that 54% of American Women have experienced some sort of sexual harassment at some point in their lives.

6 Steps To Take If You Are Being Harassed in the Workplace
- Document any comments or different treatment experienced.
- Keep your documentation in a safe place.
- Gather all inappropriate texts, email, notes, or other evidence.
- Report the harassment at work in writing.
- File a complaint with the EEOC.
- Contact Swartz – Swidler for legal assistance with your claim.

If you or someone you know has experienced harassment in the workplace. Help can be just a phone call away.
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9 Tanner Street, Ste. 101
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Phone: (856) 685-7420
Fax: (856) 685-7417
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123 South 22nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 995-2733
Our Locations
Haddonfield Headquarters
9 Tanner Street, Ste. 101
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Phone: (856) 685-7420
Fax: (856) 685-7417
Philadelphia Satellite Office
123 South 22nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 995-2733