What Is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment?

In Latin, quid pro quo means something for something. This term is used in employment discrimination law to describe a form of sexual harassment in which employment decisions are based on whether an employee submits to conduct that is sexual in nature. If you have been the victim of quid pro quo sexual harassment at your job, the attorneys at Swartz Swidler might be able to help you.
Quid pro quo sexual harassment claims
Sexual harassment is a type of illegal gender discrimination and is prohibited under both state and federal law. Sexual harassment claims may be divided into two primary categories, including hostile work environment claims and quid pro quo claims.
Quid pro quo claims involve people who are in positions of authority who subject workers to unwelcome sexual conduct and who condition the employees’ acceptance of the conduct on an employment action. For example, if a supervisor promises a promotion in exchange for a promotion, the conduct is quid pro quo harassment. Quid pro quo harassment can also happen when a supervisor threatens to terminate an employee unless the employee submits to sexual conduct.
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Harassers in quid pro quo claims
In quid pro quo claims, the harassers are typically people who have supervisory roles over the victims. The harassers must be someone who is able to offer employment benefits to employees. Sexual harassment from coworkers and others typically are hostile work environment claims instead of quid pro quo claims.
Type of sexual conduct involved
Sexual conduct in quid pro quo harassment cases must be unwelcome and sexual in nature. The sexual conduct may be physical or verbal with supervisors acting as the harassers. The acts may range from offensive jokes to sexual acts in exchange for employment actions.
Courts will examine the facts and circumstances and the victim’s actions to determine whether the conduct was unwelcome. Quid pro quo harassment may still be found in cases in which the victims ultimately submitted.
When quid pro quo harassment might occur
Quid pro quo harassment may happen at any point during the employment relationship. Supervisors might engage in the conduct during hiring decisions up through termination. To determine whether quid pro quo harassment has occurred, it might require the help of a sexual harassment lawyer.
Contact Swart Swidler
If you believe that your employer has subjected you to quid pro quo sexual harassment, it is important for you to consult with an experienced lawyer at Swartz Swidler as soon as possible. To learn more about your potential claim and the rights that you might have, contact us today.
Most Frequently Asked Question: Do I Have A Case?
While it is true that every case is different, The law is pretty clear in most cases. The best way to determine if you have a case is to contact one of our attorneys. For more information check out the FAQ below or visit our FAQ Page
Most Frequently Asked Question:
Do I Have A Case?
While it is true that every case is different, The law is pretty clear in most cases. The best way to determine if you have a case is contact one of our attorneys. For more information on a just a few scenarios checkout the flip box FAQ below or visit our FAQ Page.
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Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 995-2733
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Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Phone: (856) 685-7420
Fax: (856) 685-7417
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Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 995-2733